2025 Expedition and Course Dates
As well as our core offer of personalised day trips, courses and expeditions designed to suit you and your group, this year we are running a small selection of courses and expeditions in some of our favourite places.
If you would like to book onto any of our courses or trips then get in touch at wildislesseakayaking@gmail.com​

Expedition -Isle of Mull& Iona
28th April - 1st May (4 days)
1st - 5th September (5 days)
Our 2024 trip to Mull was such a success we’ve decided to go back twice in 2025!
Mull is one of our favourite islands and places to paddle. The varied coastline with towering cliffs, white sandy beaches, isolated islands, and the mountains of Mull providing a stunning backdrop mean that paddling here is an unforgettable experience. As well as being one of the best places in Scotland to see wildlife, including white tailed eagles and otters, Mull is known for its amazing geology and fascinating history.
Our aim is to run a continuous expedition making the most of the fantastic spots for wild camping, though we have the option of using the campsites at Fidden or Salen (payable at the site if used) if a basecamp or mixed style of trip suits the group and conditions.
The first trip, 28th April - 1st of May is aimed at introducing the improving paddler to this fantastic destination. This is perfect for someone with basic sea kayaking experience and who wants to build their skills and experience a more challenging journey. We will aim to paddle between 10 and 20 km each day. The cost of this four-day trip is £500.
The second trip, 1st - 5th of September, is aimed at the intermediate paddler. This would suit paddlers with a range of experience in different conditions and who are capable of paddling 15 - 25 km a day for 5 consecutive days, including paddling in wind up to Force 4. The cost of this five-day trip is £600.
Expedition -Small Isles
30th June - 4th July
Fully booked

The Small Isles, Rum, Canna, Eigg and Muck, are four fantastic islands that sit to the south of Skye and to the west of Mallaig. They stand out for their varied coastlines, dramatic history, spectacular skylines and amazing wildlife. As well as providing a beautiful place to paddle, the Small Isles are a great challenge for a sea kayaker with open crossings as well as circumnavigations to enjoy.
The nature of these islands as well as the distances between them mean that this trip is suitable for intermediate and above paddlers, capable of paddling 25-30 km a day for 5 consecutive days, including paddling in winds of Force 4 and above with the associated sea state. Experience of wild camping is also required. The cost of this 5-day trip is £600.

Expedition -Firth of Lorn and the Slate Isles
11th - 14th August
The Firth of Lorn and the Slate Isles encompass the area around Oban and includes Lismore, Kerrera, Seil, Scarba, Jura and the Garvellachs amongst many more. The range of islands to explore and the fast flowing tides make this a great destination with lots of options to explore. Some of the highlights of the area include the magical island of Belnahua, the sense of history at the beehive cells on the Garvellachs, the swirling and whirling tides in the Sound of Luing and the views over to the cliffs and mountains of Mull.
This four day wild-camping expedition is perfect for someone with basic sea kayaking experience and who wants to build their skills and to experience a more challenging journey. We will aim to paddle between 10 and 20 km each day. The cost of this four-day trip is £500.
Course - Introduction to Journeying in Tide & Journeying in Tide Skills Developer
Seil And the Slate Isles
20th - 23rd May

We are really excited to be collaborating with Lizzy Benwell from theisland.scot for a four-day course based on the Isle of Seil, looking at the skills needed to journey in tidal waters including the planning, tactics and techniques that empower you to make the most out of tidal flow. The waters around Seil have a wealth of islands with dramatic tides which make it the perfect classroom for developing the skills in moving water. This course will be a mix of journeys and coaching using venues such as Cuan Sound, the Grey Dogs, the Sound of Luing and the Corryvreckan.
By collaborating on this course we can offer this course at two levels at the same time.
For the Introduction to Journeying in Tide, padders should be comfortable handling a sea kayak in wind and waves up to Force 3.
For the Journeying in Tide Skills Developer, paddlers should have some experience in moving water (either white water or sea) and be confident paddling in winds and conditions up to Force 4.
Both of these courses cost £400 for the four days.

Tiderace Skills & the Falls of Lora
​12th & 13th April
26th & 27th May
26th & 27th June
24th & 25th July
9th & 10th August
20th & 21st September
This course is a chance for paddlers to experience the exciting tidal venues around Oban including the famous Falls of Lora. The focus is on building skills and confidence in fast flows including reading the water, navigating strong eddylines and using the features to our advantage. We can also include sessions on planning as well as safety considerations and rescues in moving water..
For these courses the maximum ratio is 1:4 to make sure we can provide the safety, support and coaching for paddling in these environments. The venues we could use include the Falls of Lora, Cuan Sound and the Grey Dogs, depending on conditions and the aspirations of the group. We would expect paddlers to have some experience of moving water and crossing eddylines (whitewater or sea) and to be comfortable paddling in wind and waves up to Force 4. A roll is helpful but not essential. The cost of each two-day course is £200.